4 Free (Or Almost Free) Ways to Spruce Up Your Home

Wise women build their homes, and I’m excited to share with you four easy tips that I use to spruce up my home. If you like what you’re reading here, be sure to share this on social media and with a friend.
Also, coupling my skills as an top leading etiquette consultant along with equipping women everywhere to be Godly ladies, I’ve decided to do a special online course called “The Art of Being a Lady”, which includes video material, an eBook, and one of the paid options even includes a group coaching aspect. I’m only taking about 30 students, so if you’re interested click here to get more info. If you know me then you know it will be highly interactive, extremely entertaining, yet very effective. Now let’s dive into today’s blog on ways I personally spruce up our home.
1.Add fresh flowers.
If you have been following me on Instagram for awhile, then you know by now that I LOVE fresh flowers. I have artificial flowers all over the house as well, but there is something about a fresh bouquet in the kitchen weekly that really enhances the atmosphere of our home. We live in Dallas, and there are several stores near us that has great flowers, but my favorite is Trader Joe’s! The flowers there seem to last the longest and are very inexpensive! All of my bouquets are less than $10!
2. Declutter your home.
It’s hard to think in chaos.
It’s hard to function in clutter.
Decluttering your home is so important and worthwhile! It’s really the little messes that eventually become the big messes! If you have small children like I do, it can be a challenge keeping the house clean! I’m never ashamed to ask for help or for a babysitter to watch the girls while I tidy up their room and do laundry etc. Take some time today and see what you can do to declutter. Can you clean out a junk drawer? Tidy up your closet? Dust a little? Clean your appliances? Also, if it’s in your budget don’t be ashamed to hire a housekeeper or someone who can help you keep things organized. Whatever works to keep your home in order, do it. I have my chores divided by daily, weekly, and monthly chores. Those apart of my ladies only membership group are wrapping up a 21-day organizational challenge right now. Membership reopens in a few days, so If you would to get on our membership waiting list that includes my free Organizational eBook exclusively for members, click here.
Helping Note: Pray while you clean. You may be surprised at how refreshed you feel during the process!
- Change out décor.
Oftentimes in our home, I switch out decorations to spruce things up. At times, I’ll change out pillows or simply move smaller pieces from one room to another. This keeps everything fresh in your home! Interior decorating happens to be a strong gift of mine, but even if it’s not for you, then grab some magazines, watch some HGTV, or even look up some ideas on Pinterest! Remember, Google is your best (free) friend.
- Keep carpet clean.
In our new home, all of our carpet is upstairs, and we don’t have much traction upstairs. However, in our previous home, we noticed how having spots in the carpet really affected the overall feeling of cleanliness in the home. No matter how much we endeavored to remove our shoes, having busy toddlers, meant stains of some sort. So every 3 months, I arranged to have our carpet professionally cleaned. This has been a practice of ours since we were first married and living in a 2 bedroom apartment. It was then that we even called a professional company in there to clean our whole apartment for $50. So whether you’re living in a mansion or an apartment, clean carpet makes a huge difference.
What about you? Tell me one way that you do to spruce up your home or even your bedroom. I would love to hear! And if you’re not following me on facebook click here as well as here for Instagram. I love engaging with my followers, so don’t be shy!
Love you so much,
Amanda Ferguson
I love this article Amanda. My greatest inspiration for my home refurbishment is having fresh orchids all the time. orchids make me smile and add freshness and style to a room.
I love reading this article. It was very helpful with great tips. Blessings to you and your family and Happy New Year!
Very nice tips. I love to redecorate on a budget. I like adding rugs and new bedspreads…maybe s new picture on the wall to change up things.