5 Rules of Etiquette Meghan Markle Must Master As She Marries Prince Harry….

Meghan Markle will be marrying Prince Harry tomorrow! She will then be apart of a natural royal kingdom, but we are of a royal kingdom as well! We are apart of God’s kingdom!
Therefore, we are supposed to act like, look like, and talk like royalty. When people encounter us, they should know that we are indeed royalty.
Though these are etiquette and protocol tips that Meghan Markle must master, these are also principles that I teach to my etiquette students, especially those in my Art of Being a Lady Course. (If you didn’t know, I’m a certified etiquette consultant and own my own consulting firm where allll I teach is all things etiquette and protocol:)
1. She must always be “on”.
Royal families are under an INTENSE amount of scrutiny. The paparazzi is always waiting to find something to photograph that will be attention worthy. Though Meghan was already a celebrity, she will be in the limelight even more. She will have to constantly pay attention to everything especially her attire.
And nothing will be frowned on in the royal family like not looking completely polished everyday from head to toe. Even the royal children have a dress code that must be strictly adhered to.
Royals can’t have “don’t care” days.
You know how it is sometimes when you just don’t feel like actually getting dressed. We’ve all been there. Actually I’m there every morning after doing 3 girls’ hair and getting them dressed without feeling like I’ve been in an earthquake!
But I realize that just because I “feel” a certain way doesn’t mean that I have to give into it.
That doesn’t mean I walk out of the house every morning ready for a glam session on the red carpet, but it does mean that I’m “put together” every time I leave the house.
We have three daughters under the age of 5, and I constantly tell them “Girls, you have to always be camera ready”. They don’t know EXACTLY what I’m saying, but it’s starting to make a little sense to our 4 year and 3 year old. I spend a lot of time making sure that they look amazing from head to toe. Before we leave out of the house, I always tell them to go look in the mirror. I’m teaching them early to be meticulous in the details.
I spend time letting them see me do my hair and makeup. I stick to simple hairstyles that I know I can maintain easily with our busy schedule. I like a more natural face of makeup than a “beat” face, so I spend more time making sure exfoliate and have an amazing moisturizer.
2. She must always wear pantyhose and proper undergarments.
Along with always being “on” is the fact that Meghan must always wear pantyhose. The royal ladies are not to be seen “bare legged”, and the press has been very vocal of their criticism of Meghan not wearing pantyhose in many of her pictures. I totally understand her not wanting to wear them because we all know that they can just be so bothersome! Being Prince Harry’s girlfriend or fiancee’ has given her a little leniency, but after tomorrow once she is officially his wife, being without pantyhose is a big no no.
The royal ladies have been known to wear a particular brand of the nude shade “barely there” pantyhose to give a more sleek look. Also speaking of nude shades, royal ladies are known to only wear nude fingernail polish as to not clash with any of their outfits.
Proper undergarments are a must. In my 3 week “Art of Being a Lady” online course, I talk a lot about making sure my students have the proper undergarments. Have you ever seen a lady in a beautiful outfit only to have it ruined by being able to see her pantyline?
Pantylines are AWFUL and really take away from the overall polished look of an outfit. I have a personal checklist that I use to make sure my appearance is polished. If you would like my list of my daily #ladylike checklist, click here, and I’ll send that right over to you:)
2. She must know how to use her dining utensils properly.
The royals are very busy people, and knowing how to dine properly is a must. Marrying into a royal family comes with the responsibility of knowing certain things concerning dining such as how to use your knife and fork properly, how to signal with their utensils when they are on a break from eating or when they are actually done with their meal, and even what to do with their napkins when they’re done dining (because no, a napkin should NEVER go in your plate once you’re done with a meal).
Also, the queen sets the tone for the dinner, so when the queen is finished, everyone knows that the meal is officially over. No one is supposed to take another bite after a meal. It would be rude for anyone to continue eating once the queen is done.
Tea time is MAJOR for the royal family. Meghan will have to know the correct way to hold her tea cup and how to eat the cute little finger food. Wrong etiquette is passed down so much…even as it relates to drinking tea. No, your pinkies should NOT be up when drinking tea:)
I always say, “We all have to dine, so why not dine well.”. With my VIP Coaching clients, I drill into them that business deals are usually made on the golf course or over a meal. We all won’t golf, but we can ALL know how to WIN over LUNCH.
4. She must exhibit a high level of decorum.
I wasn’t surprised when I learned that Meghan Markle would have to give over her social media accounts and not be as vocal to the press about things such as her love life and even her political preferences. Her “world” is totally changing. Coming from being an actress in Hollywood to now being apart of the royal family means that she has to be acclimated to the protocol of her new world.
Royals are very mysterious. They practice a discretion. They are not ones to let everyone know their business. They are not quick to talk to the press. They love the element of mystery and discretion.
Simply put, decorum is simply etiquette, protocol, and proper manners. No matter how beautiful or smart Meghan is, she MUST master decorum, and I have no doubt that she will!
What I love most about Meghan is that she is just a “regular” lady who is now in this completely different role. It’s soo exciting! It reminds me of Esther who was just a regular girl, but one day would literally be royalty as well.
Meghan and Esther both had to go through a series of trainings for their new seasons. If you know that you too are about to enter a new season, I invite you to watch my prophetic message “Your Turn and Your Time”, that I did on Facebook live. It’s time for us to position ourselves to be the ladies that God is calling us to be. What do you feel like God is calling you to do? I would love to hear about it and pray over it. Let me know in the comments!
Here is the next thing I would recommend for you:
- Take my “Art of Being a Lady” online course, it is absolutely LOADED! I also provide support for any question that you have. We talk about things from confidence, to beauty, to the correct way to enter and exit a vehicle, and even how to be a lady of influence…GOD’s way. Register here🙂
- I’m doing my First Ladies retreat called “The Classy Lady” retreat. It will be all things elegant and classy! We’ll have bonding sessions, Girl Talk sessions, even a think tank session for VIP registrants where I’ll teach you how to build a six figure income, even if you don’t want to leave your job. Join me in Dallas August 2-4th with only 20 women. Register here ASAP, because I close registration on May 31st:)
Love you so much,